Deep in the woods 2018

Deep in the woods 2018
I made the artwork for Deep in the woods 2018. It's a Belgian festival situated in the woods. It has a fairy and mysterious atmosphere so I wanted to show this in the artwork. I created some magical creatures of the woods: a fairy, a skeleton, a bear, a buck and a leafman, dancing an celebrating because the festival is about to start. It was a really fun project!
I made the artwork for Deep in the woods 2018. It's a Belgian festival situated in the woods. It has a fairy and mysterious atmosphere so I wanted to show this in the artwork. I created some magical creatures of the woods: a fairy, a skeleton, a bear, a buck and a leafman, dancing an celebrating because the festival is about to start. It was a really fun project!

Deep in the woods 2018

Deep in the woods 2018
De boomhut van Niel
Children's book
De boomhut van Niel
Children's book

I made the artwork for Deep in the woods 2018. It's a Belgian festival situated in the woods. It has a fairy and mysterious atmosphere so I wanted to show this in the artwork. I created some magical creatures of the woods: a fairy, a skeleton, a bear, a buck and a leafman, dancing an celebrating because the festival is about to start. It was a really fun project!
I made the artwork for Deep in the woods 2018. It's a Belgian festival situated in the woods. It has a fairy and mysterious atmosphere so I wanted to show this in the artwork. I created some magical creatures of the woods: a fairy, a skeleton, a bear, a buck and a leafman, dancing an celebrating because the festival is about to start. It was a really fun project!
De boomhut van Niel
My first children's book.
One evening I was in my brother's treehouse in the forest behind our house. This place was always of inspiration for me. I wanted to make a story about a boy with an immense amount of inspiration and a great tree house. But the boy was only shining wordlessy on paper. I asked Robbe if he wanted to give the story shape. We named the imaginative boy Niel. The story is about the loss of a loved one, in which nature plays an important role in the process of grief.

Canon cultuurcel

Canon cultuurcel
Illustration for reading cards.
Illustration for reading cards.

Het grote Heksenboek
A non fiction book about white and black magic, superstition, witch trials, rituals, symbols and so much more Written by award-winning author Kathleen Vereecken. Everything you’d like to know about witches…
Can witches do magic and fly on broomsticks? How did people in the past try to expose witches? What do witches have to do with cats, toads and bees? What is the difference between an amulet and a talisman? Why do people accuse other people of witchcraft? Can you become a witch yourself?